
ICED24 Conference

Covid-19 Pandemic closures and the post-pandemic learning experiences have expanded the thinking around facilitating learning for transformation. The learning facilitators were immersed in a new learning environment that required balancing between traditional and technology-enhanced approaches to facilitating learning. New competencies were built through doing, observing, and creating new knowledge. More demands were made on how we manage the new learning environments and more players entered into this new learning environment.

During the ICED24, being the second conference post-pandemic, we will explore the competencies we have acquired and deem necessary for the future of transformative learning. We will deeply explore what innovative and supportive ecosystems are required to support transformative learning and drive our agenda in educational development to promote the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Kindly see the call for abstracts


Teaching for reflective learning workshop

The Association for Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT) is keen on enriching the learning and teaching processes in our higher education sector to ensure that faculty facilitate learning for significant learning and transformation. Based on our objective to develop the scholarship of teaching and learning, members are developed to reflect on their own learning and transformation. 

AFELT has organized a workshop on Teaching for critical reflective thinking .Critical reflection is an approach to teaching: a pedagogy. Have you ever integrated Critical Reflective thinking in your teaching? Do you want to share or learn how to? Join AFELT workshop on July 28th, 2023 at Kenyatta University for a half day workshop. 

Critical reflection is a process of thinking and learning that helps us make meaning of new information, connect it to our existing knowledge and experiences, and consider the implications for our actions. It helps in developing new insights, challenge existing assumptions, and transform existing perspectives. It is a necessary skill that builds a questioning attitude, fosters student-teacher relationships, promotes innovation and makes the lessons engaging and interesting. Critical reflection is the link between thinking and doing and the key ingredient for transformation.